Oh so long ago there was a planet with a young, no adolescent populations/form of governments that slithered into abusing power and then after a prolonged health crisis the planet succumbed to world-wide migration due to food and water scarcity resulting in chaos. Evolution became extinction. We, the Slitherites of Slithercon recognized opportunity for colonization!

Anne Lesser
2 min readMar 14, 2021

Why colonization? Well, almost extinction left the adolescent planet developed to a point of understanding their contribution towards the dilemma but apparently their greed and tribalism prevented a correction. Slitherites were well equipped to salvage because tribalism (apparently old white gender identified males and their minions and copycats) was relegated to what we identify as the dust heap thus making room for creative thinking/solutions from an educated/science/truth based population. Reliance on sun, wind and biological physics continues to harness the universe and beyond as a partner in evolution not an enemy. Aside from this macro approach to cohabitive sustainable resource usage, we chuckle over this planet’s inept attempt to dole out success based on, on, we’re not sure what but apparently it has to do with what you look like and from whence you came. Really more tragic than funny. Our basic shape can be long, short, heavier, leaner and any distinguishing markings utilize our creative ability to change color and make patterns, or not. We are lauded for the creative characteristics and above all how we value and accept each other resulting in on-going problem solving (education for all) which also leads to shared governance, a highly regarded obligation. There is no, uh, less. No hunger, no housing scarcity, no unemployment. There is no need for prevention when you provide. You see, enhancing evolution for all living things is a miraculous concept of moving forward to see what is just around the discovery corner. In contrast, time and resources this planet spends on food (the growing, watering, transporting, selling, preparing) seems wasteful and unsustainable in the long run and we Slitherites, through chemistry/individualized formulas provide the dosing for health — food solved. Again, provide, not prevent. Time and resources freed up for mind development and relationship enrichment which brings me to a major curiosity. I’ve already acknowledged how we value all, so relationships are valued which includes no gender based differentiation and no need for the myriad of laws codifying sexual behavior and creation. Simplification is a petri dish away with androgyny adding value for all. Coupling, like evolution, is a creative exploration and although it may provide variety, never hurtful, always caring. Of course you question population growth. For Slithercon, resources for sustainability drive population levels and the science answers the number question. Add when there is need which occurs when the form wears “thin” rather than “out” as our belief in evolution is transformative. Matter takes a different but sustaining form never “out”.

We come from caring so smug is not our style; however, flaws identified seem so obvious. Will we too become extinct through evolution?

